Another crazy week under my belt, realizing that I might be the worst blogger ever but OH WELL WHO CARES! I decided to compile a bunch of stuff I'm really into right now for y'alls enjoyment.
This illustration by my girl
Sara is killing me! She's such a talented artist, and her drawings are the perfect combo of cute/weird/awesome. I'm commissioning a portrait from her and I can't wait! If you haven't already jumped on that train- DO IT NOW.You won't regret it.
I'm probably not the best person to "review" this book, as I'm a die-hard Murakami fiend, but really. This book left me in awe. Murakami's talent at combining elements of magical realism, mystery, romance, and the mundane aspects of every day life get me every. single. time. and this may be my favorite work of his, if not runner up to my favorite novel of all time, Kafka On the Shore.
This is his most ambitious work to date, and it got some salty reviews complaining of it's long-windedness and lack of closure for some of the more mystical elements brought up through the story. More than anything though, and at the risk of sounding super corny, it is a beautiful love story. I'm not easily moved by obvious sentiments of love, and Murakami's story of Tengo and Aomame brought me to tears multiple times.
As a feminist, I do disagree with his often one-dimensional female characters. I feel guilty disregarding how he typically employs his female characters as vehicles for exploration or closure for his (male) protagonists, but believe me, it's worth it to experience this world for yourself.

Since I've been working in Seattle, it's been really nice getting to explore the area before and after work. Like any other Western Washingtonian, I've obviously spent time in Seattle, but usually in short bursts. I randomly happened upon Cocoa Banana on my way to grab my coffee and decided to pop in. It doesn't look like much from the exterior, in fact, you can't even really tell that they sell food, but they're actually slinging the most delicious fresh fruit and veg juice and smoothies, along with a fresh, well stocked, and CHEAP salad bar. I've been getting the Tony, which is 1 shot of espresso, organic peanut butter, banana, chocolate, and non-fat frozen yogurt. Definitely a treat but soooooo delicious. My new go-to spot for a (somewhat) healthy breakfast/lunch!
Pretty much any time of year I get in the mood for The Tallest Man on Earth. This is one of my favorite songs of his in general, but he just released an amazing new album entitled There's No Leaving Now, and you should for sure check it out. I put on one of his records, he croons, and I instantly relax.
To avoid over-sharing, I'm gonna quit blithering on, but tell me what you're especially into right now!