everything I've ever wanted - tell me what's wrong

morning preparations
Elliott standing guard/how I spent my morning

This morning I woke up from one of those super intense dreams where it seems like your brain allows months to skip by in fifteen minutes. I usually only get those after a night of binge drinking or a melatonin overdose, but hey, I'll take it.

I know everyone hates hearing about other people's dreams, but fuck it. In this particular reverie, I had kids. AND I LIKED IT! This dream (nightmare?) has left me with the ultimate in bullshit existential questions, like "Who am I?" and "Will this make me capital-H-happy?"

Maybe this is my quarter life crisis? Or maybe I've been reading too much Murakami, but so far I don't think any of his characters have dreamt themselves into the life of a stay at home mom- which includes, but is not limited to: buying all of the cute kid shit at Ikea, making anthropomorphic character-shaped pancakes, snuggling, and so on. Like I said, bullshit. But cute bullshit...

Anyway, I'm not pregnant right now- something I wish I could celebrate but adding some booze to my coffee, but all we've got right now is some weird elderberry vodka that I bought just for the pretty bottle. Unfortunately, I don't like the taste enough to drink it often, and because I HATE wasting money (especially after I've already wasted it once on the same item), I refuse to pour it out. So now it sits, full of alcohol I don't want to drink, and I can't even enjoy the bottle like I planned.

I'm sure there's some metaphor in there for the idiocy that is my life, but instead of worrying about that, I'll just have a beer.

sweet thing, sugar baby

very nervous and love

The day after we got back from Kauai, Mike and I wanted to have a nice, relaxing afternoon and savor the leftover good-feelings from our trip. As beautiful as the island is, we both agreed that it felt almost too nice to come home to such pleasant weather (it is Olympia after all), so we decided to do one of our favorite things: go for a long drive, listen to one of our favorite albums, Several Shades of Why by J Mascis, and explore!

We didn't end up going too far- just to Tumwater Falls, but it was perfect. We wandered to the far ends of the trails and tried to soak in one of our favorite spots in Olympia before we make the move back to Tacoma in a few weeks.

I'm trying to organize/upload non-instagram pictures from our trip, but honestly, I'm being too lazy right now, mostly because I got a magical call this morning saying that I won't actually be starting my new job until Tuesday the 29th, a full week later than we originally planned. This is code for "I just scored another week-long vacation!"