A few of my favorite things

1. Guided By Voices

Guided By Voices performs The Goldheart Mountaintop Queen Directory at Maxwell's, Hoboken from BlearyEyedBrooklyn.com on Vimeo.
Possibly the greatest band ever. I fucking wish I were going to Sasquatch so I could see them but that's not gonna happen. I also wish I could have just been at this show. Robert Pollard is a crazy genius.

2. Collages - Especially Elizabeth Hoeckle's amazing pieces:

I love the surreal aspect of her work. Honestly, most collages are pretty surreal but these are so seamless! She really inspire me to get to work since collaging is probably my favorite non-traditional form of art and expression. It helps that I have a love for all things related to magical realism/the surreal aspects of life as evidenced by my next few mentions...

3. Haruki Murakami

Murakami's writing makes me feel dizzy, in the best possible way. The first novel I read by him was Kafka On the Shore and I fell in love forever. I had three days off from school and I stayed in bed all day falling deeper and deeper into his writing. He's a pretty important figure in the postmodern lit world and for good reason. Storytelling is such an important facet of life to me and he does it beautifully. If I could choose one person (alive) to sit down and have a drink with, it would be him. And maybe he could inspire my ass to run a marathon or something.

I'll stop here for now but continue over the next few days, I have more to talk about than I thought.