you'll sleep when you're dead

Today was supposed to be gloomy but it ended up being beautiful, thank goodness. I had planned on spending the day cleaning doing laundry but it was so sunny, I couldn't resist. I walked around Wright Park 5 times, which ended up being a little over 4 miles. Before heading home, I sat in the grass, people-watching for about a half an hour. Then I came home and gorged myself on almost half a huge carton of strawberries and they were soooo delicious. I also finished off the rest of my Gorgonzola chicken salad with the help of some tortilla chips.

I did manage to go down and put our towels in the laundry [we had none, oops...] and now I'm listening to This American Life and playing with the kitties. Mike should be home soon and I am going to hope that he wants sushi tonight because it sounds perfect. After dinner, we're supposed to go to Twin Peaks night for the first time with Taiga and Margo at their friend Heather's house. I am so excited for this! We're starting with the pilot episode and after that we'll be watching two eps. a week, along with eating/drinking lots of pie, coffee and donuts. The only thing I'm concerned about is that this also falls on Top Chef night... we'll see how it goes.

i want to live, not merely survive

My name is Ashley and I'm 23 years old. I live in the Pacific Northwest with my boyfriend and our 3 cats. I'm a feminist and eventually I want to work and fight to protect women's rights, reproductive and otherwise. I also enjoy literature (specifically magical realism), nature walks/hikes, NPR, cooking and baking, beer, yoga, brunch all day every day, TBTL podcast, crafting, pinterest, getting lost in the internet, and music.I'm slowly but surely making my way through my undergrad education while working full time and trying maintain some semblance of a life.

My favorite music includes: guided by voices, husker du, black flag, mogwai, the replacements, beyonce, the smiths, big star, hot snakes, sonic youth, roky erickson, wild flag, flipper, swans, magnetic fields, etc.

My favorite foods are: sushi, veggie lasagna, mushrooms, artichoke-spinach dip, malai kofta, crab cakes, kale, eggs benedict, and anything lemon-rosemary. I eat a mostly veg diet. For desserts, I always pick something chocolate, or pie, or ice cream. The best kinds of beers are IPAs and ESBs.

I don't really know what my goal is with this, but it's going probably going to be some type of mish-mash of my life right now, beer and music reviews, and pretty things to look at. Keep your eyes peeled and your feet on the ground.